My Vision Board… My Dream Board… My 2013

My visions of 2013

Yeah, I made a vision board this year. (Or dream board as some people call them.) Some of my friends think I’m lame for doing this. They see no value in it. It’s a time waster. A little too new age. Too  hippie.

I don’t care. I love doing it. It inspires me. And when I invite my (new age hippie) girlfriends over (and throw in some yummy brie and $10 wine) all the better.

When my girlfriends got to my house I told them I was already finished and showed them this board….

dream board
Now that’s a nice vision!

They really (really) liked that vision!

Then we got started for reals.

What is a vision board? It’s a collage made up of pictures and word or phrases of your vision of the future. It can be anything you want it to be. You can do a vision board any time, but I try make a new one around the start of a new year.

My vision boards always seem to be sort of similar. There is always a woman smiling and having fun. There is always coffee and wine. The words “inspiration” and “dream” seem to be forever present.

But this year I’ve added some new words. Some new phrases.

“The Joy of playing it un-safe” – because I always seem to play it safe.

Doing scary things!

“Breaking out of your comfort zone” – that definitely needs to happen this year. And it actually already is. I’ve started putting myself out there this year in ways that I haven’t before.

“Author” – not writer, but author. Author. This is the year I shop my book.

There is a picture of New York City. (After all, when I sell my book I’ll have to go to New York to see my publisher won’t I?)

“Metamorphosis” – this year things need to change. I need to change. Doing the same things over and over (and over again) will not net me new results. I think I (finally) get that now. (I hope I do anyway.)

And yes there is my smiling girl having the time of her life (with the hair that I covet but can never have thanks to my cursed widow’s peak), the woman doing yoga, the woman who is strong and fit, and the woman in an outfit that I know would look awesome on me.

I want to feel like this! (And I want that hair!)

There’s a photo of Bradley Cooper, but not because I love him (though I do), but  because I can see him playing one of the characters in my book if  it were ever when it’s made into a movie.

There is a hammock at a beach. (Yes please.)

Some beautiful pictures of nature.

The word “romance.” It would be nice for Dave and I to have some of that this year. I’d really like to work on that.

“Be inspired”

“Imagine all Your Possibilities”

“Eat Drink Read”

“What if…”

What if…

What if…

What if this year turns out to be everything I want it to be?

dream board
The view from my desk. (To remind me to be my very best me!)

What are your visions for 2013?

16 thoughts on “My Vision Board… My Dream Board… My 2013

  1. Charlene- I have a board right behind me and i need to look at it more. or better yet – create a new one becasue things have shifted in my life. Forget the publisher – wjhen you come to NY we better get together with your publsher. Let her buy us dinner and lots of wine. I love your board and I think you are ready to leap! xx

  2. I LOVE your vision board, Charlene. FAaaaabulous.

    I made one this year, too. I have a check I wrote to myself for half a million dollars on it!

    You will DO IT. I have soooooooooo much faith in your gifts. Xxxxxx

  3. OH good! I can’t wait to go to dinner with you, and the publisher, and Elizabeth (I’m just assuming I’m invited – I also think Kim should get out here). What a great idea – the color is enough to make me happy and inspired! Thanks for sharing

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