A Day in my Rockstar Life

I was reading my girl Mama Kat (as I tend to do) and was intrigued by a writing prompt link up she had last week. The prompt was to take a picture every hour to document your day.

Well, as you have probably guessed, my life is pretty glamorous. I was going to do a weekday “day in the life” post, but thought you might be too insanely jealous to look at this eight times on repeat.

Put this on repeat for 8 hours and like me, you’ll be living the dream!

I know, rockstar life right?

So I decided to document Sunday. I will be honest and admit that this past Sunday was a bit busier than most. I mean, it was Emmy night after all. So sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee, scroll down at all of the pretty cell phone pictures and try your hardest not to wish you were me…

6:00 Beep Beep Beep. That’s the sound of my alarm going off. Yes, at six. It usually goes off at 5:00 (yes, even on Sunday) because I feel unbalanced if I don’t get some “me time” in the morning, but I went to bed at midnight so I needed the extra hour of beauty sleep!

(Oh, and if you’re wondering why I went to be so late it’s because I already told you – I live the glamorous rockstar life – I was at a cross country meet 75 miles away where Chandler ran a race at 9:15 PM! See – I told you, you’d be jealous!)

Just me, my computer and creamy coffee – aaahhhh!

7:00 I took my dog Rocky for his morning walk to the park and basked in the beauty of Ladyface Mountain.

My cute and crazy dog.
Ladyface Mountain
Lovely Ladyface

8:00 I ran 4 miles with the run club at my gym. That’s right – 4 MILES! And I hated every single solitary step.

pink running shoes
I cannot tell you how many times I tried to take this photo so my ankles did not look fat. (I obviously failed!)

9:00 The only reason I run is so I can hang out and have coffee with my friends afterward. Although I don’t actually drink coffee as I’ve already caffeined up earlier and what kind of friends make you do something you hate three times a week? I should return the favor by posting their un-make-uped-sweaty-post-running pictures. But I won’t because I actually know how to treat people! We sat outside of Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf because we smelled bad and were afraid we might get kicked out. (Or maybe that’s just me.)

breakfast collage
I swear I brought the donuts home to my family (I had to buy them – they were just too cute) I did, however, inhale the Stonyfield yogurt!

10:00 I had to rush home to get Marley ready for church, a day at her friends, and then a Bat Mitzvah. But first I had to stop at Cost Plus. I mean, I have my priorities.

A girl’s gotta do what a girls gotta do!

11:00 I stretched while making a few phone calls, took a shower and gave in and washed my hair even though I really didn’t have enough time to dry it properly because I hadn’t washed it since Thursday (and have worked out twice since), obsessed about the inelasticity  of my skin as I looked in the mirror when I dried my hair, and started the weekend’s laundry.

Remember, I warned you how jealous you’d be of my rockstar life. So much fun and it isn’t even noon yet!

12:00 I rushed out the door to meet my mom at Costco. Because I was in a rush and didn’t want to make her wait I grabbed the first pair of shoes I saw, which were black even though I was wearing a brown belt. The shoes were flip flops, but still, I think the mismatch is only slightly less offensive than how I smelled at Coffee Bean two hours earlier.

This should last about a week.

1:30 Got home, from Costco and heard the dryer going and panicked. On the one hand it was fantastic that Chandler does his own laundry, on the other it means he put my clothes in the dryer and my clothes don’t go in the dryer. (Well they do, but only for 10 minutes on low and then I hang them. And yes, I am aware that I am a freak. Thank you.) Fortunately he had just thrown them in, so melt down over teenage son being responsible was averted. I then ate some tuna salad while putting away groceries, realized running makes you really sore and rolled on the foam roller and then went into the bathroom and saw Dave brushing his teeth. It occurred to me that there was a chance I might have forgotten to brush my teeth in the morning. (Like a 99.9% chance.) So, it turns out mismatched accessories and breakfasting post-running/pre-showering are not my greatest offenses of the day.

Getting ready for some meal prep.

2:00 Put another load of laundry in the washer, hung a load outside to dry and then ran to Trader Joe’s for even more groceries.

My happy place.

3:00 I turned on the Emmy’s Red Carpet, but had to do some meal prep for the week and make a meal for a friend who just had surgery, so I cooked and took notes on fashion at the same time. Not happy about having my attention taken away from my beloved Red Carpet.

Sunday Meal Prep
Getting ready for the week.

4:00 More prepping. More cooking. More red carpet watching.

2013 Emmy Red Carpet Telecast
Yes, this really is our old school TV.

5:00 Sat down to fold laundry and watched beginning of Emmy’s while vegetables finished roasting. Then pressed record on the DVR and left to go to my mom’s house for dinner. (On Emmy night – I know!) Left the kitchen in a huge state of disaster to be dealt with when we returned.

messy kitchen
Yes, I actually walked out the door with my kitchen looking like this! (Notice laundry still hanging outside.)

6:00 Relaxed and had dinner with my family. It was lovely.

dinner al fresco
Dinner al fresco

7:30 When I was offered dessert for once I said yes. It tasted like heaven.


8:00 Came home, cleaned disaster of a kitchen, and put away hanging laundry.

To be put away tomorrow – don’t worry – I’ll sleep just fine with them right there! (I hope to put away the folded laundry in the den sometime before Tuesday.)

9:00 Kicked Dave and Chandler out of the den and sat down to finally watch the Emmy’s in peace. (Well, if peace means sitting on couch with laptop and typing away furiously while watching.)

10:00 Got distracted by a dress on a Target commercial I was trying to fast forward through and tried to look up dress on Target website. Struck out. Stupid Target – if you’re going to show a dress on a commercial please have it available for me to look at and not buy online!

Just me, the Emmy’s and Target.com

10:45 Left the house to pick up Marley at Bat Mitzvah at 11:00 SHARP. (There was no school on Monday – staff development day.)  Dropped off Marley’s friend, came home and tumbled into bed next to sleeping husband for not nearly enough sleep.

Time to get home and get to bed!

Woke up at 5:30 on Monday (again, slept in because I went to bed too late) and started rolling so I could do this for eight hours straight…


Now be honest – you are totally jealous of my rockstar life, right?

5 thoughts on “A Day in my Rockstar Life

  1. I’m really impressed with the week’s meal prep. But not impressed that Dave didn’t help you with the dishes.

    Now, if you had done ‘a day in the life of’ on the day you went wine tasting I’d be more jealous….oh wait, you did and oh yes, I was quite jealous!

    • Haha! Dave doesn’t really have the opportunity to help me with the dishes. (I’m a bit of a control freak!) He would help if I asked, but honestly the way my kitchen is set up when people “help” they’re just in the way!

      Now the wine tasting… hope to make you jealous again very soon!

  2. Oh, How fun.
    Love your dog.
    Shopping cart.
    Kitchen is C000L.
    Prepping. (You good Girl)
    My Laundry looks like that.
    You. Are. Interesting.
    …even in your every day living. LO000VE!! XXXXxxxxx

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